Your April Horoscope

Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19)

Happy Birthday, Aries! April is a dynamic month, with one of the most anticipated astrological alignments of 2022. There is a seesaw between being in the limelight and retreating. The first of the month commences with a new moon in Aries, bringing a fresh start full of enthusiasm, drive, and energy; be brae and courageous and go for what you want, but think long term and not in the immediate. In your social circles, tensions are high on April 4 with warrior Mars cojoining stern Saturn, the two most malefic planets of the zodiac. As a result, friendships are under scrutiny; be mindful of tempers flaring, especially yours, and choose who is worthy of your friendship. The mood shifts dramatically as the most anticipated alignment arrives on April 12, when benefic Jupiter conjuncts Neptune in Pisces. What a gift from the cosmos! This spiritual cosmic union has the potential to bring blessings, healing, love, spirituality, and connection. The last time they joined Pisces was in 1856, during the height of the Spiritualist movement in Europe. This cycle represents your search for meaning, truth in the mystical, spiritual, and intuitive realms—this magical alignment also ignites your 12th house of mysticism, seclusion, self-sacrifice, and escapism. This time is ideal for prayer, meditation, mind-altering journeys, and quality time with your subconscious. But it’s not all rainbows and unicorns. Be aware of escapism,  spacing out, deception, wishful thinking, and grandiose delusions. If you use this cosmic gift wisely, you’ll have a splendid Spring. On April 14, your ruler Mars enters Pisces, joining the mystical, reclusive house. Your motivation levels will ebb and flow for the next six weeks;  go easy on yourself. Mars in Pisces is flexible, with a softer approach to helping others first, and finding deeper meaning in your life. A full moon in Libra arrives on April 16, illuminating your 7th house of relationships—another awesome birthday gift! Relationships can flourish under this potent lunation, so tap into your tender, caring side. A solar eclipse occurs on April 30 in Taurus, activating your house of money and also conjuncting Uranus, who gleefully creates chaos with a purpose. Aries, what innovative ways can you create for more significant financial gains? Venus rules this lunation; joined with Jupiter, she is exalted, and as such, so are you! Dream it and make it happen! 

Taurus (Apr 20-May 20)

Taurus, your tenaciousness comes in handy this momentous month, when one of the most anticipated cosmic alignments of the year occurs. Working solo and behind the scenes will be ideal in the first half of the month while incubating new projects. It is a reflective time for inspiration, dreams, and recharging. On April 1, the new moon in Aries in your 12th house of retreat invites you to turn inward and listen. It's time to be alone, creating your true vision for 2022. The tension is palpable on April 4, when Mars joins restrictive Saturn; these two malefic planets do not play nice, so you may feel stressed and pressured at work. It can be a cold reality check but think long-term, lose what no longer works for you while maintaining your outwardly calm demeanor. Do your best and choose your battles wisely. The mood shifts the next day, when your ruler Venus enters Pisces where she is exalted and a breath of fresh air. She activates your house of good fortune, friends, supporters, and aspirations. The Jupiter/Neptune conjunction arrives in Pisces on April 12, and you’ll feel this once-in-a-lifetime alignment all month. The last time this happened was in 1856 at the height of the Spiritualist movement! This cycle represents your search for meaning to draw on the cosmos' creative and spiritual energies, be it through poetry, music, spirituality, meditation, or mysticism. Seek out those who share your same path and vision; friends can be a great source of healing, inspiration, and love. On the flip side is deception, escapism, delusions, and lack of clarity; things may not be as they seem, so keep your feet firmly planted, and leave those rose-colored glasses alone! Venus joins with Neptune on April 27, not a day to be solo, inviting compassion, inspiration, forgiveness, and closeness. A new moon eclipse bringing change and breaking you out of stagnation, arrives on April 30 in Taurus, igniting your 1st house of vitality! The eclipse conjuncts chaotic Uranus, ushering in unpredictable change, but don't panic. It is about discovery and innovation, an invitation to take a risk. As Venus conjuncts Jupiter, your encounters with friends will soothe your soul on this eclipse and you’ll find peace, pleasure, 

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

For extroverts like you, April is an exciting month as the most significant astrological event of 2022 happens now. The first of the month is on fire with a new moon in Aries that ignites your house of friends, social networks, and aspirations. It is a potent lunation loaded with enthusiasm, new beginnings, bold action, and long-term project motivation. Finally, you can clarify to whom and what you are committed. On April 4, Mars conjuncts Saturn; Mars is impulsive, whereas Saturn restricts, and together, these two planets can create obstacles, aggression, and violent energy. Your 9th house of travel, learning, and spirituality is also affected, but patience and maturity are key. Gemini, you do not like to be hemmed in; you crave variety in life. Mercury, your ruler, will enter Taurus on April 10, inviting you to slow your active mind. Do not despair—it is only for two weeks; take a mental break, and go off the grid for a few hours during the day. The magnificent alignment arrives on April 12 when expansive Jupiter joins with mystical Neptune, both docile in Pisces. The last time these planets joined in Pisces was in 1856, at the height of the Spiritualist movement. Your 10th house of career is the lucky recipient of this hopeful energy. It is a once-in-a-lifetime alignment that lasts all Spring. You can subtly shift things by just being helpful to your colleagues or quitting your job and doing what you have always dreamed of. However, the alignment has a darker interpretation, which is deception, escapism, and seduction. For those who are spiritually and creatively inclined, it can be wondrous or a foggy month of delusion and disappointment. The positive potentials of this energy are magical, wise, healing, creative, and spiritual. Jupiter eventually merges with Neptune, offering solace and renewal. A full moon arrives in Libra on April 16, illuminating your house of creativity, romance, and joy. In Pisces, Venus rules this lunation, where she is healing, forgiving, and loving, so enjoy this potent full moon! A new moon solar eclipse arrives on April 30 in Taurus, igniting your 12th house of seclusion. Tune out, go within, and recharge. Taurus shows you how to slow down and to enjoy life’s simple pleasures. Sit in silence in a garden, calm your nerves, be still, be stellar!

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Expand your world, Cancer! One of the most significant celestial events of 2022 occurs this month and it’ll help you spread your wings. A new moon in Aries arrives on April 1, igniting your career with enthusiasm, motivation, and drive. However, think of your long-term career goals and aim for them, not those offering immediate gratification. By this time next year, you can proudly look at what you’ve accomplished. April 4 is a high-stress day as impulsive Mars joins with restrictive Saturn. These are two malefic planets, so it’s not the kindest pairing. A reality check concerning your shared resources, finances, or debts may arise. If so, learn from it, develop a solution, and move on. April 12 brings the most anticipated cosmic event when expansive Jupiter conjuncts mystical Neptune in Pisces. This new cycle occurs every 13 years, yet the last time they were in Pisces was in 1856 at the height of the European Spiritualist movement. This spiritual cosmic union has the potential to bring blessings, healing, love, a heightened spirituality, intuition, and connection, encouraging you to explore your subconscious mind more deeply. Your 9th house of travel, wisdom, and spirituality receives this magical energy. Plan a trip literally or figuratively, meet a guru, take plant medicine, travel, or study something you’ve always wanted to learn about. With your hunger for knowledge, wisdom, and life-altering experiences, visit places where the veil is thin. Be aware of inauthentic teachers, deception, spirituality bypassing, conspiracy theories, and escapism. Healing, creativity, and collective kindness are paramount. A full moon in Libra arrives on April 16, illuminating your 4th house of home and family—a lunation beautifully ruled by Venus, offering soothing, nurturing, protective, loving energy. A new moon solar eclipse in Taurus arrives on April 30, bringing change and renewal to your circle of friends, breaking you out of your stagnation. It may be time to expand your social circle or meet new friends who align with your values. Venus will join Jupiter on the same day, offering generosity, love, abundance, and healing. After two years of collective sorrow, it is time to heal, and you, Cancer, show us how to be kind, caring, and compassionate. Spread this loving alignment widely as you revel in your personal transformation.

Leo (July 23-Aug 22)

Spring has sprung and with it comes to the most anticipated celestial event of 2022. The month begins with a new moon in Aries, igniting your house of travel, spirituality, and wisdom, urging you to step out of your comfort zone. This lunation is full of enthusiasm and the motivation to make bold choices. Travel, expand your world view, learn, and channel this energy into a long-term, not just immediate, goal. The challenging alignment of the month occurs on April 4 as impulsive Mars hooks up with restrictive Saturn in your relationship house. Mars and Saturn together are a sobering reality check, an opportunity to address issues and prioritize what is essential. The rare and magical celestial event arrives on April 12 as expansive Jupiter joins mystical Neptune in Pisces. These planets conjunct every 13 years—the last time they were in Pisces was in 1856 when the European Spiritualist movement was at its peak. This cycle represents your search for meaning, and truth in the mystical, spiritual, and intuitive realms. Your 8th house of shared resources, finances, personal vulnerability, fears, and transformation is activated with this magical energy. Leo, you have the opportunity to heal your fears and vulnerabilities through love, compassion, and forgiveness. Express your gratitude, generosity, and what you offer to others; we are all interconnected, and we all deserve love. Although your finances and shared resources can increase with expansive Jupiter, be mindful of investments that sound too good to be true. Neptune can create deception and make it hard for you to see the truth. Source all the information you need before making major financial decisions. A full moon in Libra arrives on April 16, illuminating your house of communication, siblings, and learning. This lovely lunation creates unified communication. Reach out to your siblings and friends through sweet, funny memes, texts, and FaceTime. Communication can flow harmoniously; it’s an ideal time to connect with others. A new moon solar eclipse in Taurus arrives on April 30, igniting your 10th house of career. Eclipses are game-changers, disruptors, breaking you out of your comfort zone, so be open to new possibilities and surprising opportunities. Uranus, the planet of chaos with a purpose, conjuncts the new moon; stay open to this change and spring forward!

Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22)

Love heals, Virgo, and April gifts you with the most anticipated celestial event that may contribute to that loving healing. The month begins with a new moon in Aries in your house of shared resources, fears, and vulnerabilities. This positive lunation is a fresh start, bringing enthusiasm, motivation, and bold actions. Shed what limitations you impose upon yourself, be open to creative self-expression, feel the fear, and do it anyway! When it comes to your financial life, infuse it with practical Virgo energy and reassess investments, pay off debts, or refinance your home. Take a gamble and buy digital currency even if you have no idea how it works. On April 4, Mars conjoins Saturn in Aquarius in your 6th house. The cosmos’ toxic duo creates discord in your house, health, and work. You tend to worry, so be aware that Mars-in-Aquarius could lead to mental unease, anxiety, and fixation on personal issues. Aquarius is a cerebral air sign; it is "in its head" by nature and you’ll find yourself ruminating late into the evening on real and imagined problems. This is not helpful to your health or well-being. The energy is tense, with tempers flaring, confrontations, and aggression. Stay out of the fray. The next day, Venus, the planet of love, enters Pisces where she is exalted, igniting your house of relationships. Venus in Pisces is boundless, generous, and tender in this beautiful transit for relationships and love. The celestial event of 2022 arrives on April 12 when expansive Jupiter conjoins with mystical Neptune. This alignment will be felt collectively throughout the year, most powerfully in April. Jupiter and Neptune come together every 13 years; the last time they joined in Pisces was in 1856, at the height of the European Spiritualist movement. This spiritual cosmic union has the potential to bring blessings, healing, love, and connection to your relationships—a cosmic lovefest of the highest order. For those longing to be in a partnership, now is the time. Dare to dream, imagine, and reach for what you desire, dear Virgo, but just know that on the shadowy side of this lovefest is deception, delusion, disorganization, a lack of boundaries, and clarity. A new moon solar eclipse arrives in Taurus on April 30, shaking you out of complacency. The new moon joins erratic Uranus, calling for purposeful chaos, igniting your 9th house of travel, wisdom, and spirituality. Expand your mind, take that journey to a far-off place physically or via plant medicine, and find a spiritual teacher. Whatever calls you to find deeper meaning and purpose in your life— just do it! 

Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22)

Your desire this month is to connect, and conveniently, April starts with the new moon in Aries, igniting, yup, your relationships! This lunation is full of enthusiasm, motivation, and drive. Given Libra's signature charm, grace, and equanimity, initiating new relationships and connections comes naturally, and with Venus, the planet of love, ruling your sign, you're hard-wired for partnerships. It sets the stage for new beginnings or a fresh start in your relationships. Coupled or single, be brave and go straight after what you desire. On April 4th, toxic duo Mars and Saturn, the most malefic planets of the zodiac, join Aquarius, stirring up trouble in your house of romance and creativity. You are not big on confrontation, so keep your classic cool demeanor as it may be best not to try to mediate any conflict. The energy is tense, aggressive, and argumentative. You prefer peace at all costs. The next day, the energy shifts as your ruler Venus enters Pisces, where she is exalted. Venus has been under the thumb of restrictive Saturn and finally, she is free! Venus in Pisces seeks pleasure, closeness, love, healing, and creativity—especially music and poetry. She feels everything; get out of your head and into your heart! The year's most anticipated celestial event arrives on April 12 when global Jupiter joins mystical Neptune in Pisces for the first time since 1856. When they last connected here, it was a transformational time for anti-slavery and women's rights and a peak era in the European Spiritualist movement. This spiritual cosmic union has the potential to bring blessings, healing, love, and connection. Your 6th house of health, well-being, pets, and work also receives this beautiful alignment. Alternative healing modalities will serve you well but do seek authentic practitioners whom you can trust. While this beautiful cycle offers hope, healing, and love, it also has a shadowy side. Neptune can be deceptive and delusional. If inclined, rescue a fur baby; they bring unconditional love! Your yearly full moon in Libra arrives on April 16 in your 1st house of health, vitality, and personality, shining a light on that which no longer serves you. Dump it. Venus joins Neptune on April 27 and this cosmic connection's highest vibration is unconditional love. Spread some of that love around! A new moon solar eclipse in Taurus arrives on April 30, igniting your house of shared resources, finances, fears, and vulnerabilities. This potent lunation has rebel Uranus joining the new moon, so prepare for purposeful chaos! How you spend, earn, and save money is what this eclipse can reveal, inviting you to make positive changes complementing your cozy new celestial connections. 

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21)

Your obsessive spring cleaning just got a celestial boost as April ushers in a fresh new beginning. The annual new moon in Aries arriving on April 1 is an enthusiastic and motivating lunation, inviting new possibilities. Health, well-being, and work are your priorities. But don’t jump on the immediate fix; think more long-term and remember that changing habitual patterns takes a while. Plant your seeds of intention, focusing on enhancing your wellness and dealing with daily life details reaffirming positivity.
Mars hooks up with restrictive Saturn on April 4, but it’s no lovefest. This toxic duo is stirring up tension in your home life, from difficulties in relationships to, perhaps, pesky plumbing issues. Keep your feelings contained, and deal with the aftermath after this transit passes. A rare and magical celestial event arrives April 12 as expansive Jupiter joins mystical Neptune in Pisces. These planets conjunct every 13 years and the last time they were in Pisces was in 1856 when the European Spiritualist movement was at its peak. This spiritual cosmic union has the potential to bring blessings, healing, love, spirituality, and creativity —a cosmic lovefest, igniting your 5th house of creativity, romance, and kids. The shadow expression of this union, however, is deception, illusion, addiction, and feeling untethered. Jupiter is expansion, and Neptune is unconditional love; aim for the highest vibration and share your passion widely. Your ruler Mars enters Pisces on April 14, joining the cosmic love in your 5th house for the first time in two years. Pursue what ignites your passions, creative drive, and areas from wherever you derive meaning. Motivation and energy levels will ebb and flow now; ride the waves, stay flexible. Venus and Neptune conjoin in Pisces on April 27 in a magical, poetic alignment. Dream, love, listen to music, be kind, write a poem, embrace this eternal divine energy. You access your creativity easily. A new moon solar eclipse in Taurus arrives on April 30 in your house of relationships. Expect the unexpected as unpredictable Uranus joins in and infuses this house with new positive energy. Those partnered can rekindle the spark; single peeps, be on alert for meeting someone out of the blue. Revel in these fresh, clean starts, Scorp! 

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)

There’s a spring in your step, Sag, as April brings the most anticipated and hopeful celestial cycles of 2022. The month begins with a new moon in Aries on April 1st., igniting creativity, romance, and joy! This lunation is on overdrive with enthusiasm, motivation, and energy to act. You have cosmic forces on your side, offering you the capacity to tap into your limitless potential for happiness. Seize it!
A warning though: on April 4, angry Mars and icy Saturn unite in Aquarius and in your 3rd house of communication. This heavy duo can cause egregious harm, so please filter all forms of communication and spare yourself unnecessary drama. The year's most anticipated celestial event arrives on April 12 when your ruler Jupiter joins Neptune in Pisces for the first time since 1856. When they last connected here, it was the peak era in the European Spiritualist movement. This spiritual cosmic union has the potential to bring blessings, healing, love, and connection. Your 4th house of home and family receive an infusion of unconditional love, healing, and benevolence. On the flip side, it brings delusion, deception, addiction, and an overall sense of feeling lost. Sag, drop into gratitude, and take stock of your positivity and optimism. You are a seeker who yearns for meaning and purpose; may this comic union stir you deeply, allowing you to be the catalyst for transformation. Two benevolent planets, Venus, and Jupiter join together on April 27 in Pisces. Be with those whom you consider family; it can be a real lovefest!
A new moon solar eclipse in Taurus arrives on April 30, igniting your 6h house of health and wellness. It is an invitation to focus on your health and wellness journey. Ditch the bad habits, Sag, try a different approach to make lasting changes, and bask in the bliss of family, romance, and health!

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19)

April starts with a bang felt throughout the month, action-packed with one of the most significant celestial events of 2022. A new moon in Aries on the first ignites your 4th house of home and family, initiating a fresh start, enabling you to shower it with much-needed attention. This lunation can energize and motivate you to attend to home projects, repairs, or decorating, but be mindful of becoming impatient or bossy to family members—you're not at work! April 4 can bring challenges as impulsive Mars slams into restrictive Saturn in your 2nd house of finances, impeding your cash flow. You can experience delays with funds or unexpected expenses; breathe and remember you are the most resourceful sign of the zodiac. Be aware of aggressive energy; these two planets together are malefic, so please keep your calm, stoic self in check. The mood shifts dramatically on April 14 to one of hope, healing, and benevolence when visionary Jupiter conjoins with mystical Neptune in Pisces. They meet up every 13 years; the last time they were both in Pisces was in 1856 when the Spiritualist movement was at its peak. A once-in-a-lifetime aspect amplifies Piscean energy. This alignment invites you to hope, heal, and be inspired to live a life aligned with your dreams. It ignites your 3rd house, influencing your communication and intellect, so tune into your intuition and subconscious and get in touch with your creativity and what you offer to the world. A happier, more compassionate, and more caring Capricorn can emerge, but be aware of confusion, delusional thinking, and lack of clarity. A full moon in Libra arrives on April 16, illuminating the 10th house of career. This lunation has you assessing your ongoing struggle to achieve a healthy work and home balance. Libra is the sign of balance and harmony; shift your priorities, Cap, you can do it! A new moon solar eclipse in Taurus arrives on April 30. Expect the unexpected. Your 5th house of creativity, romance, and joy is infused with new opportunities. So, stop working 24/7 and play! Taurus wants you to enjoy sensual pleasures, so just slow down and indulge.

Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18)

Air is your elemental sign and this month the air will be clear as the most anticipated celestial event of 2022 shakes things up for the better. It's an action that kicks off with a new moon in Aries on April 1, energizing your 3rd house of communication, community, and siblings, offering you a fresh start to initiate new projects and possibilities. Envisioning a direct conduit from the cosmos into your computer, rewrite your 2022 aspirations. Besides all the tangible things you aim to accomplish, include ways to tune in and be still. The planets are infusing you with motivation, willpower, and ample support. Plant your aspirations and watch them come to fruition in mid-October but be mindful of your mental noise. You've been known for thinking outside of the box and having flashes of brilliance. Please share these ideas for positive purposes. April 4 brings a challenging aspect, with impulsive Mars mashing up with restrictive Saturn. The toxic duo, which are malefic planets, is not pleasant. Be mindful that Mars and Saturn together in -Aquarius could lead to mental unease, anxiety, and fixation on your vitality and appearance. Be kind to yourself. People can be aggressive and argumentative. Embrace your detached, aloof self and try not to engage, especially with those in an authority role. Hang in there until April 12, when the rare and magical celestial event arrives as expansive Jupiter joins mystical Neptune in Pisces. These planets conjunct every 13 years; however, the last time they were in Pisces was in 1856, when the Spiritualist movement was at its peak. This spiritually cosmic union has the potential to bring blessings, abundance, and meaning to your life. Bonus: your 2nd house of money, talent, and self-worth is the recipient of this magical alignment. Jupiter brings abundance, while illusory Neptune can complicate your finances. You are yearning for meaningful work that can impact the world. You always come up with brilliant ideas; start dreaming! You can use your hard-earned money for the greater good. Neptune deals in deception and illusion, though, so be watchful of others who may take advantage of your generosity. A full moon in Libra arrives on April 16, illuminating your 9th house of adventure, travel, and spirituality. Venus rules this lovely lunation; seek pleasure and harmony within your relationships. Plan away and have an adventure with your partner or friends. A solar eclipse new moon in Taurus arrives on April 30, and with Uranus, the planet of chaos, joining this solar eclipse, expect some surprises. Your 4th house of home and family is activated, which means you may move, have a kid, or experience negative changes within your home. New moons are new beginnings; set your intentions and watch them blossom in October. Overall, it’s a very positive solar eclipse, so jump on that clarity and embrace positive change!

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

Make some magic, Pisces! April is your month this year and you've got divine mojo. A new moon in Aries arrives on the 1st, jumpstarting your money house. Ka-ching! It’s a clean slate to initiate new beginnings and possibilities. You've got enthusiasm, motivation, and drive to take action! This is for long-term gains, so plan wisely, to ensure that by this time next year, you can be proud of what you’ve achieved. The tough day falls on April 4, when impulsive Mars meets up with stern Saturn; these two malefic planets do not play nice. The collective tension and aggression are palpable. Manage your coping skills in healthy ways as you tend to internalize and feel slights far more profoundly than others. The next day, the mood shifts to one of grace and kindness. Venus, the planet of love, enters Pisces, where she is exalted. Now the magic starts; she will dwell in your 1st house of vitality. Your magnetism, radiance, and benevolence will shine. You can readily express your affection and tenderness. It gets even better on April 12 when an historical, once (or never) in a lifetime celestial alignment arrives. Your co-rulers, expansive Jupiter and mystical Neptune, will conjunct in your sign. The last time this cosmic union occurred was in 1856, at the peak of the Spiritualist movement. You can access this energy for the next few months; it is at potency now. This spiritual union has the potential to bring blessings, healing, love, and creativity. Your noblest qualities are kindness, unconditional love, compassion, and inclusivity, so what do you want to offer the world? You don’t have to win a Nobel Peace Prize, but random acts of kindness would be nice. This can be one of the most creative and inspiring times of your life. During a Jupiter/Neptune conjunction, some of the most incredible music, photography, poetry, and films have emerged. Stay grounded and take off your rose-colored glasses, as you can easily get lost in your fantasy world. Mars enters your sign on April 14, joining the cosmic lovefest. Your feelings will dictate your motivation; it's an ebb and flow because that's how you roll. Venus and Neptune unite on April 27, the ultimate in artistic expression, romance, and pursuit of love and connection—not the day to be solo. A  new moon solar eclipse in Taurus arrives to shake up your life on April 30. You’re adaptable and can thrive with change. Your 3rd house of communication, siblings, and community is also ignited, manifesting in new ways of thinking, self-expression, writing, and getting involved in your community. Expect and welcome this exciting, magical new energy!


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