
Your September Horoscopes

Virgo season is here! Here's what's in the stars in September...
Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19)

Tend to your relationships, Aries. The month starts with one of its best aspects: a harmonious alignment between your ruler Mars and expansive Jupiter. So be bold and courageous, take those risks, make your pitch, and go for it! Tap into your feisty confidence as you relish pushing boundaries while succeeding in conflicts For inspo, see how Lizzo shut down body shamers on the MTV VMAs. It’s about damn time again, as Mercury will retrograde on September 9 in Libra in your 7th house of committed relationships. Slow down, listen to others' points of view, and aim for harmony rather than disruption. Calm your fiery response, be objective, or at least try to be. A full moon arrives on September 10 in Pisces at 17 degrees, inviting you to slow down and check in with your inner rhythm. Unfortunately, this isn't all dreamy and intuitive; Mars squares this lunation in Gemini, creating conflict with words. Pause before you light into someone and remember: Mercury is also retrograde. Misunderstandings are rife, but harmony comes to the rescue when the Autumn Equinox begins on September 22 as the Sun enters Libra. He will shine his benevolence in your house of committed relationships. Relationships receive a boost of harmony, balance, and cooperation. Aries, compromise is your mantra this month. If you aren't getting the relationship memo, a New Moon in Libra arrives on September 25, igniting your house of partnerships. This positive lunation offers potency of new beginnings being so close to the Equinox. Jupiter in your sign opposes the lunation, pushing you forward. Do what you love most, be daring, and take that personal risk in your relationships. Venus rules this lunation; she is in Virgo. How does she show love by helping, organizing, or sorting out her partner's life? The month ends on a high note when Venus enters her ruler Libra on September 28, shining her love in your house of relationships. Partnered or single, relationships are your priorities; harmony and love prevail. This fall, the universe has a message for you to learn to compromise, dear Aries, and be a team player even if you are in a league of your own. Share your bold, courageous, loving self with others, spread the wealth!

Taurus (Apr 20-May 20)

September brings a welcome reprieve from bat*hit crazy August. Your ruler Venus enters Virgo on September 5-29, enhancing your house of creativity, romance, and kids. In Virgo, she wants to improve relationships while expressing her love through efficiency, organizing, and caring for others. As for creative projects, Venus in Virgo improves upon everything she encounters. But once again, that pesky Mercury retrograde arrives on September 9, at 8 degrees of Libra. It allows you to slow down, reflect and take a pause. You can accept the usual delays, miscommunications, and technical mishaps, but be sure to review all legal documents, contracts, and negotiations before committing. A full moon in 17 degrees of Pisces arrives on September 10, illuminating your house of friendships and social networks. The moon is overflowing with feelings, emotions, sensitivity, and healing as it conjuncts Neptune. However, Mars, the planet of strife, squares this lunation, creating friction. As a result, certain relationships fall by the wayside, creating space for new ones like a fresh new fall wardrobe. Libra season begins with the Autumn Equinox on September 22, as the Sun enters Libra. Harmony prevails! A new three-month chapter begins, energizing your house of health, well-being, and work. Time to overhaul your self-care. Daily rituals which instill balance and harmony in your life are essential. Venus will oppose dreamy Neptune on September 24; confusion and disappointment can occur, especially concerning friends. Best to let go of the details, surrender to the universe, and go with the flow. The New Moon in Libra arrives on September 25, a positive and potent lunation, with the equinox adding potency to new beginnings. It opposes Jupiter, pushing forward significantly, and is dynamic and innovative. Think grand! This lunation is about collaboration and finding the resources to help you move forward for success. Your 6th house of health and work is activated, and your creative expression is sparked. The month ends with your ruler Venus ingress into Libra, where she is at her best, highlighting your work, self-care, and health. She also enhances harmonious work collaborations and relationships. Venus in Libra is also smoking hot, with a focus on beauty, looking good, and feeling centered. Bask it in it!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Gemini, it's back to the glorious grind. While most people are returning to their offices full-time, you'd prefer to stay home until the fall season officially arrives. Venus enters Virgo on September 5, joining the Sun in your home and family. Lean into the soothing and earthy energy of Virgo. With Venus in Virgo, you'll be primed to declutter, organize, paint and give your home a meticulous overhaul. Think of it as a summer cleanse Virgo-style, through the eyes of a perfectionist. Venus brings harmony and eases relationships with family and loved ones. Invite them over; it's an ideal time to spend together. It's that time of year when your ruler Mercury stations retrograde on September 9 at 8 degrees of Libra. Mercury is at a standstill for the next few days, from September 9-11; hold off on signing documents or making significant decisions until the 12th. Mercury is your ruler; these annoying retrogrades affect you the most. With Mercury retrograde in Libra, your 5th house of creativity, fun, and romance is ignited. Utilize the retrograde to your advantage, slow down, take a pause, reset, redo, revise, and rethink, revealing what needs to be improved. Pay attention to your creative projects, your kids, romance, or simply finding your joy. A full moon at 17 degrees Pisces arrives on September 10, illuminating your career. This lunation can bring clarity through intuition, allowing you to glean what is essential and what is not. Pisces is about dreams and unspoken longings. Mars plays into this lunation, creating a feeling of things being in flux, therefore, adaptability is critical. Libra season begins with the Autumn Equinox on September 22, shining bright in your 5th house of creativity, romance and joy! A New Moon in Libra at 13 degrees arrives on the 25th; being so near the equinox, the New Moon has extra potency as it joins the Sun in your house of creative self-expression. Gemini, find your joy, play, have a romance and relish in your happiness!

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

September starts on a hectic note. The Sun in Virgo radiates its light in your third house of community and communication until September 22. Venus joins the party on September 3 when she enters Virgo. Venus in Virgo is about improving, organizing, refining, and helping others. Instead of ruminating about your inner thoughts, imagine ways to be of service. How can you support siblings and neighbors? Mercury stations retrograde at 8 degrees Libra on September 9 in your house of home and family. Libra is an air sign, so there is a lot of mental chatter. Do be mindful of overthinking and indecision. Use this time to revise, redo, and repair projects and plans. As busy as you may be, it is time to pause and slow down; the mischievous Mercury can bring friction to your personal life. Miscommunications and disagreements can be problematic. Cancer may prove tricky for you because we know how moody you can be. Please take a pause and think before you speak. The full moon in Pisces at 28 degrees arrives on September 10, aligning with spiritual Neptune, the higher expression of love, compassion, and empathy. Full moons are releases and culminations, creating an opening for something new to emerge. It lights up your ninth house of wisdom and travel. Go within; it is through your intuition that you can gain insight and awareness. Mars plays into this lunation, causing friction. Staying flexible is essential. The Autumn Equinox arrives on September 22 as the Sun enters Libra, shining its benevolent light on your home and family. You are the zodiac's homebody; you get to nest, flix and chill! A new moon at two degrees of Libra arrives on September 25, igniting your innermost personal life, your home. This potent lunation brings compromise, collaborations, and big plans! Your home life receives an infusion of positive energy; what new beginnings do you want to initiate? Take a risk, Cancer, and create the home of your dreams, not just aesthetically, but energetically!

Leo (July 23-Aug 22)

Leo, it was one strange August, but your season is over and it's back to life, back to reality. September is one of your most practical months with the Sun in Virgo, your stabilizing second house of cash, until September 22. Venus joins the Sun and enters Virgo on September 2. Virgo improves, organizes, and is efficient. Venus here wants financial abundance through research and gathered data. She is your dream accountant, organizing bank statements, invoices, and handling all those tasks where Virgo thrives. Joining the Sun, both are benefic planets, urging you to showcase your talents, and, perhaps, to raise your fees and find ways to increase your cash flow. Here’s the glitch, though: Mercury turns stationary retrograde on September 9 at eight degrees of Libra. Mercury will retrograde all month, moving into Virgo on September 23. Hit pause as Mercury retrogrades in your house of communication—be sure to triple-check all correspondence before hitting send. Revise, review, and rethink; you get to edit all the projects and plans you've put in motion. Use this time as an opportunity to get things right instead of getting things right now. A full moon at 17 degrees Pisces arrives on September 10, aligning with mystical Neptune, illuminating your 8th house of shared resources and finances. Debt and personal angst receive this lunation’s light. Leo, go within and listen to your intuition while honoring your feelings. This lunation is on a square with Mars; things are in flux, and it can bring friction, so stay flexible. Libra season arrives on September 22, with the arrival of the Autumn Equinox. A new three months begins with an emphasis on Libra's qualities, which offer balance, collaboration, justice, and equality. A new moon at two degrees Libra arrives on the 25th, igniting your house of communication, learning, and community. This is a positive lunation, offering new beginnings and encouraging you to take bold risks! Jupiter opposes the New Moon; you may overextend yourself. Mercury is still retrograde, and while you may not have all the information yet, dream big and set your intentions even bigger!

Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22)

Happy Birthday, Virgo! Your season is in full swing until September 22. The Sun is shining its radiant light on you. Your priority is you, dear Virgo. Venus enters Virgo on September 5-29, joining the Sun in your 1st house of appearance, health, and vitality. You aim to improve everything you encounter, but now the focus is on you! Looking good is important to you yet being healthier is essential. Be kind to yourself, so nix the self-critical, fuss-budget side of your personality. Aim instead to project the deeper Virgo soul, the one who refines and elevates all you encounter. Your cosmic ruler Mercury retrogrades on September 9 at 8 degrees of Libra, but don’t let it spoil your season. Retrogrades are a pause, a chance to review and revise. Everything occurs so quickly now; Mercury in retrograde is a reprieve from our fast-paced world, so embrace it! A full moon at 17 degrees of Pisces arrives on September 10, illuminating your relationship house. This lunation resonates with mystical Pisces, and it is an emotional, sensitive moon. Open your heart to soul-satisfying love and tenderness. Be gentle with yourself and others, as we feel more vulnerable on this potent full moon. Mars squares this lunation, causing some friction; it’s best to remain flexible. The Autumn Equinox arrives on September 22 as the Sun enters Libra, ushering in a new three-month chapter. Libra's themes of justice, harmony, compromise, and fairness are emphasized. The next day, Mercury slides back into your sign; even though he is retrograde, he is at his most effective in his domicile. Day-to-day interactions and delays can frustrate you so practice patience. A new moon at two degrees of Libra arrives on September 25, igniting your house of money and talents. The lunation so close to the equinox gives it a potency for meaningful new beginnings. Jupiter opposes the lunation and creates seesaw energy, assessing and weighing your options. Hopeful, upbeat, and abundant, push forward on something innovative. Think big, take a risk, and believe in yourself. Venus in Virgo influences this lunation. Find a collaborator or just reach out to those who inspire you! Happy Solar return, Virgo! 

Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22)

Libra, September offers you a reprieve to take a break. Virgo season invites you to go within, as the Sun is in your 12th house of solitude. This is the time for your yearly hibernation to rest, recharge, and take a social media hiatus. The universe wants you to get the message, so your ruler Venus will join the Sun and will enter Virgo on September 5. Venus is Virgo; she wants to improve upon everything she encounters. You may be caring for a loved one or helping behind the scenes. Spending quiet time alone will serve you well. It is ideal if you can work solo or remotely for the first few weeks of the month. Mercury stations retrograde at eight degrees Libra on September 10-23. In retrograde, you can pause to review and edit, so embrace the next three weeks rather than fight it. Be sure to handle miscommunications in your gracious Libra manner by always taking the high road. A full moon arrives at 17 degrees Pisces on September 10, illuminating your 6th house of daily routine and self-care. This potent lunation aligns with spiritual Neptune. It is an emotional moon and can be overwhelming; tend to self-care, take the day off, gaze at the stars, or align yourself with a higher source. Having compassion toward yourself and others is the best medicine. Mars squares this lunation, causing friction; it’s best to stay flexible and not react. Libra, it is your time to shine! The Autumn Equinox arrives on September 22, when the Sun enters Libra, initiating a new three-month cycle. The new moon in Libra is at two degrees on September 25, activating your 1st house of appearance and vitality. This lunation ushers in your "personal new year," so start setting intentions for at least the next six months. It's like New Year's resolutions, only this time, the cosmos have your back. Expansive Jupiter opposes the lunation, offering you a chance to take a bold risk—dream big, Libra! The month ends on a high note when Venus enters Libra, her domicile, in your first house on September 29, making you radiate from the inside out. Your charm, kindness, and social skills can melt even the most callous Karen acting out. Libra, you'll feel a little extra special. Naturally, enjoy every moment!

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21)

The Sun in Virgo radiates light on your 11th house of friends, social networks, and aspirations. Now is the time to connect with like-minded folks and curate meaningful connections that contribute to a higher ideal. Virgo is all about the details; she creates order out of chaos, the perfectionist always seeking to improve and be of service. The Virgo energy is ideal for organizing and leading groups. Whether you're registering voters for the upcoming midterm elections or starting a social media group helping others, you're brilliant at it! Venus joins the Sun, entering Virgo on September 5. Socialize, expand your circles, and find people with shared interests. It is an opportune time to reevaluate your goals, dreams, and how you contribute to the world. Mercury stations retrograde at eight degrees of Libra on September 9-23 in your house of solitude. Put the call on mute, tune out, and tune in. Use this time to reflect, revise, and rethink; it is a pause, a reprieve. You're not going off the grid, it’s just wise and essential to your mental well-being to spend time alone. A full moon at 17 degrees of Pisces arrives on September 10, illuminating your 5th house of romance, joy, kids, and creativity! This creative moon is aligned with mystical Neptune, so indulge your senses, dance, listen to music, and escape from the world's harshness. Don't let friction spoil the fun; Mars squares this lunation, so stay flexible, Scorpio. The Autumn Equinox arrives on September 22 as the Sun enters Libra, initiating a new three-month cycle. Libran themes of justice, harmony, and equality are emphasized. Mercury retrograde will back pedal into Virgo on September 23, in your 11th house of friends and technology. Be extra mindful of emails and what you post on social media. Misunderstandings and crossed wires can occur. You may want to reach out to old friends, or they may come to you. It is common during this retrograde. The new moon in Libra at two degrees arrives on September 25, submerging in your 12th house of solitude, retreat, and rest. It is your yearly hibernation before Scorpio season begins, a time of self-reflection and a review of the past year. It is the start of new beginnings, being near the equinox, and it is highly potent. Jupiter opposes this lunation, inviting you to take a leap of faith and be bold, or, in your case, bolder!

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)

Back to work, Sag. Good news is Virgo season is here! The Sun in Virgo is shining its benefic light on your house of career until September 22. Venus joins the Sun and enters Virgo on September 5. Virgo energy is the pragmatist who effortlessly rearranges, organizes, and brings order to chaos. You have a talent for forming sound judgments, keen insight with exceptional acuity. Harness these positive qualities and showcase them! Focus on advancing in your career and set your sights on accomplishment. You can attract people and circumstances which help advance or grow your business. Aim high, Sag! There is a glitch, of course. Mercury will retrograde on September 9, at 8 degrees of Libra, in your 11th house of friends, community, and social networks. You can feel inspired to reconnect with old groups and friends rather than join new ones. To whom do you feel most connected? Remember, not every connection has to be your best friend, but some may be your best contacts. Work it, Sag! A full moon arrives at 17 degrees Pisces on September 10, illuminating your domestic house. Sensitivity, intuition, and a flood of feelings can occur. Please be gentle with your loved ones. Full moons are endings, a time to surrender, release, and let go. This lunation is aligned with dreamy Neptune. Listen to music, share comfort foods, and create space for yourself. Always the happy optimist, Sag; a good cry may be what you need. The Autumn Equinox arrives on September 22, as the Sun enters Libra, initiating a new three-month cycle. The theme this time focuses on justice, equality, fairness, and harmony. The Sun will shine its radiant light in your house of friends, hopes, and aspirations. Collaborate and find your dream team, Sag! On September 23, Mercury retrograde will slide back into Virgo until October 2, creating mishaps in your house of career. Do anticipate delays, reshuffles, people reneging on their word, or negotiations that fizzle. Could you double-check all correspondence before hitting send? A new moon at two degrees of Libra arrives on September 25, igniting your 11th house of friends, aspirations, and dreams. Set your intentions for new beginnings! It’s a positively powerful lunation, as Jupiter, your CEO, opposes it, urging you to dream big and take a leap of faith. Libra relishes in harmonious relationships; finding the tribe that aligns with you is essential.

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19)

September is a reprieve from August's insanity and the upcoming October eclipses. Instead, Virgo season urges you to follow the road less traveled as the Sun in Virgo shines brightly on your 9th house of travel, learning, and wisdom. Venus joins the Sun and enters Virgo on September 5. Virgo is detailed, analytical, and a meticulous planner. Venus is activating the 9th house of travel, wisdom, and spirituality. Expand your mind, Capricorn; you are a wise soul, so tap into your innate wisdom through learning, traveling, or meeting a guru. Be sure to keep an open mind; you could even meet a love interest. Pesky Mercury retrograde is back; he stations retrograde at 8 degrees of Libra on September 9 in your house of career. The projects you've worked on are now ripe for review, edits, and revisions. Take a pause and embrace this period to refine and improve upon all your hard work. Think of it as a blessing. Try not to get too annoyed when people do not meet deadlines. You're bound to gaze at your colleagues with your best resting bitch face; perhaps that will stir them into action. A full moon at 17 degrees of Pisces arrives on September 10, illuminating your 3rd house of communication and community. This lunation conjuncts dreamy Neptune, inviting you to go within. Quiet your mind, tune into the deep silence; here is where your answers lie. It is an intuitive lunation, not a logical one. Libra season begins on the Autumn Equinox on September 22 as the Sun enters Libra. Your career takes center stage now as the Sun shines its radiant light on your 10th house of work. You are in your element, Cap. Mercury retrograde slides back into Virgo and back in your 9th house of travel and learning. If you are traveling, expect delays, update your passport, TSA pre-check, and apply for global entry. A new moon at two degrees of Libra arrives on September 25, igniting the 10th house of career. Libra governs relationships, harmony, and justice. Cap, you spend most of your time at work, and thankfully Libra rules this sector of your life because harmony is vital. New moons are new beginnings, fresh starts; this lunation opposes Jupiter, urging you to take a bold risk and go big! Plant your seeds of intentions and see them blossom in the spring.

Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18)

September will start to bring ease after the maddening month of August. The Sun in Virgo shines a light on your 8th house of shared resources, finances, and internal angst. Venus enters Virgo on September 5, joining the Sun. As a result, your energy is best focused on 8th house matters since Virgo season sharpens your powers of concentration. First you've got to release these old habits or entrenched patterns. Then, sort out your finances; Virgo is that strict, thorough, efficient, and detailed accountant. It is an ideal time to refinance and invest. Pesky Mercury turns retrograde at eight degrees of Libra on September 9. Take a pause and slow down; retrogrades allow you to revise and rethink what you've been doing. Be aware that if you made travel plans, they might not go as planned; give your Mercury retrograde due diligence, back up electronics, and double-check all correspondence before hitting send. A potent full moon at 17 degrees of Pisces arrives on September 10, illuminating your 2nd house of money and talents. Full moons are culminations, a time to let go, to surrender. A Pisces lunation is overwhelmingly emotional, intuitive, and creative. Aquarius, you're cerebral and not too comfortable in the emotional realms; you will feel this one. Dive into your intuitive side, tap into your talents, but be gentle with yourself. Libra season begins with the Autumn Equinox on September 22, when the Sun enters Libra. Expand your mind, Aquarius, and get ready for a journey! You are happiest traveling the road less traveled, literally or figuratively, and in Libra season, you will be going places. The Sun in Libra enters your 9th house of travel, wisdom, and spirituality. A new moon at two degrees Libra arrives on September 25, igniting your wanderlust. You love new experiences and meeting all sorts of people—the stranger, the better—but if you can't get away, take a day trip or an internal one and hang out with a shaman. Sometimes the road less traveled is right around the corner. Don’t be afraid to take a wrong turn either, or, as the wise Yogi Berra once said, “When you see a fork in the road, take it!”

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

Love and relationships are among September's many offerings and a common theme of Virgo season. The Sun in Virgo shines its glorious light in your 7th house of committed relationships. Venus enters Virgo on September 5, joining your 7th house party. Venus in Virgo emerges through practical expressions of love and affection. Pisces, you are devoted to those you love. With Virgo ruling your house of partnerships, your natural inclination is to fix, organize, and bring order to your partner's life. For those in committed relationships, this is the time to fall in love again. Single Pisces, it’s time to mingle. Mercury retrograde is back! He stations retrograde at eight degrees Libra on September 9; take a much-needed pause during this time as life is beyond hectic these days. Retrogrades give you a second chance to review and revise. While the energy in Libra is cerebral, be mindful of overthinking and second-guessing. Your annual full moon arrives at 17 degrees Pisces on September 10, illuminating your 1st house. Mystical Neptune aligns with this lunation; it is highly intuitive, tender, emotional, and healing. Full moons are endings, so let go of hurts, wounds, or misunderstandings. Pisces, you're devoted to others, but direct your devotion to yourself on this Full Moon. Please be gentle with yourself; you teach us how to dream and be inspired by the universe. Libra season arrives with the Autumn Equinox on September 22, when the Sun enters Libra, ushering in a new three-month cycle. Mercury retrograde slides back into Virgo on September 23, causing mischief in your house of relationships. Please slow down, listen carefully, and respond with care. A new moon at two degrees of Libra arrives on September 25, igniting your 8th house of shared resources, finances, and internal angst. New moons are new beginnings; this lunation is powerful due to its proximity to the equinox. Bonus: expansive Jupiter opposes the new moon, urging you to dream big, and take bold risks! Plant your seeds of intention and watch them blossom in the spring. When in doubt, love conquers all. Here's to love, dear Pisces.

Interested in your own personal reading? Book directly with our in-house astrologer and doctor of Chinese medicine, Lori Bell, for virtual readings, wellness guidance, and more! Email her at lori@loriabell.com


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