
Don't Let Mars Retrograde Trip You Up

Libra season is usually the year for harmony, love, and light, but not this month; it's more like a reality TV show reunion steeped in drama and intensity. Nothing is off the table, but let’s hope that table isn’t thrown over first.

October asks us to assert our individuality without compromising our principles. Not so easy, though. As eclipse season begins, Mars and Jupiter turn retrograde, while three planets turn direct—throw in the astrological earthquake of Saturn and Uranus back in an incendiary square, and well, wanna meditate? Yep, it’s quite the month! 

The celestial skies are dramatic, making it hard to plan; it is best to stay fluid. Remember throughout all of it, though: the only constant thing is change. Here are the major transits in October: 

October 2, Mercury Stations Direct   

October begins with Mercury stationing direct in the sign of Virgo, which may not feel like the relief we were hoping for; as Mercury turns direct, he opposites nebulous Neptune. So, cue Genesis and the creepy puppets: we are still in the land of confusion and weirdness. Indeed, that was one of the most challenging Mercury retrogrades. However, by October 11, when Mercury enters harmony-seeking Libra, we can start to resolve misunderstandings and snafus Mercury created. Mercury leaves its shadow on October 17; by then, we will experience a sense of clarity and relief immediately, amen. Exhale.

October 9, Full Moon In Aries

A Full Moon arrives on October 9 at 16° Aries, conjunct wounded healer Chiron, and opposite loving Venus. This emotionally charged full moon is like the lights going on in the club at the end of the night and will expose our vulnerabilities and wounds, especially around relationships and self-confidence. Finding that balance of self-assertion and compromise is critical; the emphasis is on you, note to self. Remember that. No, really, remember it.

October 22, Venus Conjunct Sun

Venus cojoins the Sun on October 22, forming a Venus star point in Libra, which, like Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, hasn't happened for 150 years. Venus conjuncts the Sun at 29 degrees Libra. It is a new beginning; as Venus enters the heart of the Sun, she receives wisdom, insight, and guidance on how to act with integrity. Libra represents the scales of justice, laws, fairness, and equality. Themes involve injustice against women, feminine energy, and equality and fairness. She represents harmony, the arts, love, relationships, beauty, and femininity. How do we amplify beauty, pleasure, and harmony in ways that have nothing to do with certain websites on our mobile phones? We are beginning a new cycle in feminine energy, romance, culture, values, the arts, and law that will last for 100 years. Praise be the fruits!

October 23, Saturn Stations Direct

Saturn stations direct at 18 degrees of Aquarius. Saturn is pivoting around in its final push through Aquarius. It is a check-in point; if we keep doing what we are doing, will it get us where we want to go or, like that time you misunderstood your Waze directions, will you end up in the complete opposite direction of where you needed to be? If you are lost, it is a time for restructuring and reorganizing to complete things. Trust your instincts, not an iffy, buggy app that may or may not lead you in the wrong direction. What do you want to complete by March 2023, and can you get there on your own? 

October 23, Scorpio Season

The energy shifts as the Sun and Venus enter Scorpio on October 23. We go into the depths of Scorpio, into the feeling and letting go. The more profound time is introspective, a time for being with people with whom you feel safe, allowing us to make peace with grief and process our emotional pains. It is a time of endings, release, catharsis, and transformation that a new lipstick or a new car can’t really help with. The South Node is in Scorpio, which makes this particular Scorpio season much more potent. The theme of decluttering our physical and internal space is a liberation to be freed from the chains that bind us. It is not a time to suppress our emotions, but, rather to release them and free ourselves. Look out, world, and maybe put on some noise cancelling headphones. With the South node in Scorpio, this is a profoundly spiritual undertone; it can be a time to reconnect and nourish you. By being truthful with ourselves, we honor ourselves. Be gentle with yourself and others; use this time to heal and release. Things get deep and quiet in Scorpio season even if the release is loud and clear.  

October 25, Scorpio Solar Eclipse

A Solar Eclipse, a new moon, arrives on October 25 at 2° Scorpio—a partial Solar Eclipse visible from Europe and Asia. This South Node eclipse brings our attention to the past, unresolved emotional hurts that need to be released. It is a new moon, yet we cannot move forward until we face unfinished issues, so procrastination is absolutely prohibitive here. Mars rules this lunation in Gemini, where he is about turn retrograde, asking us to move tentatively. Unfortunately, Mars squares, confusing Neptune and creating a lack of clarity. It is a potent time to release emotional hurts and wounds and to be free from what holds us back. It is a profoundly spiritual lunation; finding solace in the divine, nature, or art can help you navigate this powerful eclipse.  

October 28, Jupiter Returns to Pisces

On October 28, Jupiter retrograde returns to Pisces, where, like your van life bestie, he first visited from May to July 2021, then again from January to May 2022. On this third and final stint, which lasts until December 20, 2022, Jupiter will bring his work in Pisces to completion. Jupiter in Pisces is a slower pace; your drive and enthusiasm since May now subside. It is a time to go inward and reconnect with our intuition, dreams, and feelings. You can get a second chance to review and revise what you initiated back in late April and early May. Could you check in and ask yourself if the actions you want to take align with your vision and purpose? Jupiter in Pisces is helping us to feel more peaceful, spiritual, empathic, and forgiving.

October 31, Mars Retrograde in Gemini

On October 31, Mars stations retrograde at 25° Gemini and will turn direct again on January 12, 2023. This is one of the most important transits of the year, during which we can slow down, pause, and take extra care in how we communicate. It can feel like we are in a stagnant holding pattern, making it challenging to make decisions and push forward. However, it is a time to go back, revise, and ask questions. Dig deep and look at the workings of your mind and how you communicate. Do not use cutesy abbreviations to save time, either IYKWIM. You can quickly feel irritated and annoyed and react without a filter. Be mindful of social media, gossip, arguments with friends, and mental turmoil. Staying flexible is critical, as everything is up in the air with higher levels of uncertainty. Tip: breathe—Gemini rules the lungs, and it is an excellent time to practice yoga, meditation, or qigong during this time of uncertainty and chaos. It is an opportunity to recalibrate our anger, aggression, and frustration. By the end of this transit, we will hopefully have more patience and better mastery of our thoughts and words. 

Cheers to a transformative month! May we all get through it!

Interested in your own personal reading? Book directly with our in-house astrologer and doctor of Chinese medicine, Lori Bell, for virtual readings, wellness guidance, and more! Email her at lori@loriabell.com



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